
Further Maths Syllabus 9231

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From inside China, there are sites -  and classes of site - that cannot be accessed except by VPN. Conditions (internet’s climate equivalent) vary but usually you cannot get to Youtube or Facebook, nor to any site with ‘wordpress’ in its title, such as Jessie’s essay pages, which is why I copy them on my site. The internet’s weather equivalent is the effect of increased load when it decreases bandwidth. In the UK when you buy a service you’re sold what the deal says. In China there’s nothing written down and the unsaid part is that a ‘speed’ that you think you’ve bought will be sold identically to all in your building - the same thing, not copies of the same thing. So what in Britain would be one line, is sold by the company in China many times. In my building, either per floor (4) or to all of us (50).

lately © David Scoins 2017