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Essays since China
330 - Early Snippets
2020 July to Dec
327 - Looking ahead
326 - QE3
325 - Covid in December
324 - Alerts and Compliance
323 - Where do we go from here?
322- Covid in November
321 - Levelling up, levelling off
320 - Use of Number
319 - Boris and hot air; offshore wind farms
318 - Covid in October
317 - Covid vs Influenza
316 - Covid in September
315 - Dissatisfied with Democracy
314 - Migration 2020
313 - Snippets
312 - School post-lockdown
311 - Covid in August
2020 Jan to July
310 - Reducing population
309 - What a brick
308 - Culture Cancellation
307 - No2 High Street
306 - Covid in July
305 - Risk
304 - Covid Disparities
303 - Covid in June
302 - A nudge is as good as a wink
301 - Asterisk in Britain
300 - Covid in May
299 - Covid in April
298 - Covid Cost Consequences
297 - Transparency
296 - Mental Health
295 - Long-Term Distancing
294 - Horrid Paint
293 - Covid-19 charts
292 - Numeracy needed
291 - Effects of an Outbreak
290 - 15 minutes access
289 - Fishing vs Finance
288 - Email Carbon
287 - Political Truth
286 - 1632 series
285 - Is teaching worth it?
284 - Pro Rogue
283 - C0₂, Cement and Concrete
282 - C0₂ sources
281 - Age grading 2
280 - Denialism
279 - Sca, Fell and Pike
278 - Personal Data
277 - Is capitalism a bad thing?
276 - pros and cons of Brexit
275 - Tenses in English
274 - Dangerous Fashion
273 - Populism
272 - Diabetes 3
271 - Podcasts or not
270 - Generation Rent
269 - Whither the phone?
2018 Sep to Dec
268 - Poverty in Britain
267 - Trust
266 - Political Corruption
265 - Referendum, referenda
264 - How to change a habit
263 - Age-grading
262 - Turning CO₂ back into fuel
261 - Mental Health
260 - When the data isn’t good enough
259 - Too Much Finance
258 - the Resource Curse
257 - Matters of Opinion
256 - Tosspottery
255 - Bad News Sells Newspapers
2018 Jan to Aug
254 - Words I want to know
253 - Gardening Enjoyment - or not.
252 - Why I hate the Phone 2
251 - unicode fun
249 - British Social Attitudes 1 - Climate Change
248 - the High Street, No1
247- Political Distrust
246 - Happiness
245 - Essential communications
244 - Universal Basic Income
243 - Smart meters
242 - Plastic Waste Revisited 2
2017 2nd half
225 - A new Dark Age?
226 - A new Dark Age, Part 2
227 - the Learning Business
228 - Bracken Control
229 - Communication Imperfect
230 - Communication 2: Context
231 - Is education worthwhile?
232 - Causation
233 - Phishing
234 - the Cost of Tertiary
235 - Hypocrisy, Cynicism, etc
236 - What is Data Quality?
237 - Smell the Food
238 - True Grit
239 - The current Irish Question
240 - More population issues
241 - the Middle Class
2017 1st half
213 - Faking It
214 - Inbox Zero
215 - Commuting
216 - Damned lies and statistics
217 - South China Sea
218 - Solar panels
219 - combination locks
220 - Bath vs Shower
221 - House Prices
222 - Diesel is Bad
223 - Moving House
224 - Whit Friday Marches
2016 2nd half
196 - Tall trees need water
197 - Hyphens and dashes
198 - How to catch a lion
199 - The Press is the Enemy
200 - Zombie Ideas
201 - Democracy fail
202 - Disgust, discussed
203 - Technological revolution
204 - Addiction to Exercise
205 - Churnalism
206 - Punctuation - Apostrophes
207 - US democracy
208 - Population Issues
209 - Infrastructure - transport
210 - the Business Vote
211 - 2008 financial crisis
212 - Choices
2016 1st half
184 - Drown-proofing
185 - Free Speech - gone?
186 - Going Down
187 - Stupidity
188 - The End of an Era?
189 - US election turnout
190 - Diabetes 2
191 - Why do we refuse to do maths?
192 - Going a bit faster in the Hills
193 - Degree Classes
194 - What price ebooks?
195 - Is copyright wrong?
2015 2nd half
172 - English articles
173 - UK Migration
174 - UK Illegal Immigration
175 - More on Migration
176 - Diabetes
177 - Pollution Again
178 - English negatives
179 - What is electricity?
180 - Dementia
181 - Grammar School
182 - Landlines to go
183 - Moon-based festivals
2015 1st half
150 - Recycling
151 - Devolution
152 - Retyred
153 - Digital Newspaper
154 - Apolitical Geography
155 - Unfamiliar Peninsulas
156 - Speed vs Safety
157 - Future vehicles - bikes
158 - Future vehicles - cars
159 - Future vehicles - fuels
160 - Alternative Internal Combustion
161 - Alternatives to Internal Combustion
162 - Vehicle Efficiencies
163 - Exercise may be good for you
164 - !! Using tables in webpages
165 - Shopping deceit
166 - Dress Sizes
167 -Judgment Day Pt 2, the election
168 - Judgment Day Pt 1
169 - Electric motors
170 - Timeliness
171 - Human Rights
2014 2nd half
135 - the Hills of Qingdao
136 – Catalysis
137 - Back to Britain
138 - Upgrading the computer
139 - PRC / UK relative costs
140 - Return on investment
141 - Vocabulary
142 - the running club
143 - the NEw locality
144 Alex Nunns - On health care
145 - the Gower Peninsula
146 - a Bucket List
147 - the Brass Band
148 - Rhetorical Language
149 - A Need for Christmas
2009 Essays
38 - Fresh Air
39 - On Hash
40 - Going to the Bank
41 JPD - The Nail Girl
42 - Rotten Apple Shop
43 - Huangshan
44 - Nanjing
46 - the new flat in ZhaoQing
47 - Chinese Christmas
2010 Essays
48 - Four letter word rides alone
49 - Rising Water levels
50 - A Trip to Macao
52 - Ancestor worship
51 - Language 3
53 - Life in ZQ
54 - Short-term targets
x 55 - Issues of Face
56 - !! Un petit, d’un petit
57 - Chinese TV
58 - A Bit of PT
59 - Looking Both Ways
60 - Visiting Britain
61 - Flight Experience
62 - Altogether a different Hash
63 - On Hydration
64 - The Sock Monster
65 - Letters to and from China
66 - A Trail Run
67 - To Ikea
68 - Flocking
69 - Behaviour - what is proper?
70 - Into the hills
2011 Essays
71 - Feeling Cold
72 - Linear Thinking
74 - Overheard
73 - Ganbei
75 - Ningbo
76 - Qingdao
77 - A Race to get Married
2012 1st half
78 - Post Part Umm
79 - Planetary Conjunctions
80 - The Office 1
81 - Observed at school
82 - What’s it Worth?
83 - Why buy education?
84 - Measures of Success
85 - when the ordure strikes the rotating aerator
86 - Opportunity & Disaster
87 - Hashing in Laoshan
88 - Honesty, integrity, morals, etc
2012 2nd half
89 - Workyticket
90 - Rules, gamesmanship & reportage
91—What is an illegal immigrant?
92—New car names
93 - Consideration
94—Wo is I
95 Cathy Song - I fought for 18 years..
96—What were you doing when..?
97—The Wakhjir Pass and Time Zones
98—The Mindset List
99 —The Union Flag
100 - Peak Oil
101- Hashing Best Practice
2013 Essays
102 - Working in Beijing
103—Beijing Geography
104 - Air Quality Issues
105—Calling the shots
106 - More on pollution
107 - chasing corrupt files
108 Spider Robinson - Pandora’s Last Gift
109 - Temple of Heaven
110 - Mondegreens
111 - Spoonerisms
112 - Going to the Gym
113 - Heart rates
114 - Water, water and not a drop to drink
115 - Christmas comes early this year
116 - Dynastic Change
117 Draft Mots Guesses
118 - iPhry Behaviour
120 - Toilets
119 - The Office 2
121 - Ocean World
2014 1st half
122 - A day at the organ
123 - Readablility
124 - books on running
125 - Four letter words - the Urban Legend
126 - British? Me? Apparently not.
127 - Zombium
128 - The English Abroad
129 - A Cold Story
130 - I, Robot
131 - Internet Weather
132 - Magnetism
133 - The Five Year Rule
134 - 35th May
2007 Essays
01 - The Decision to leave Britain
02 - ID Cards
03 - Eating Grass makes you stupid
04 - 4-letter Words
05 - The Process of Moving
06 - Bumping Races
07 - Ineffective Invective
08 - Week 0: Arrival
09 - Language 1
10 - Heat and Humidity
11 - Plastic Bags get everywhere
12 - Week 3: language 2
13 - isn’t what I thought it was
14 - Xi’an, the immediate locale
15 - Wine into Water
16 - The English Club
17 - The City Wall Race
18 - A Chinese Wedding
19 - Man or Mouse?
2008 Essays
20 - Some Chinese Geography
21 - Interruptions
22 - What is safe?
23 - Running Factors
24 - A visit to Spa
25 - Chinese New Year
26 - The Warriors
27 - Earthquake
28 - The Leak
29 - Traffic
30 - Telephones and why I hate them
31 - ..and the point is? Perhaps Graduation
32 - Sports Day (not)
33 - Censorship
34 - Cleaning the Flat
35 - The News
36 - The Lads’ Weekend
37 - Intellectual Property
The Filthy Comma
List of Jessie’s essays
tfc#72 Sorry not sorry
tfc#71 The kindness of strangers
tfc#71 Reproductively, I’m more of a Gaza
tfc#70 to do with a fake P45
tfc#69 Swear on the Heron
tfc#68 'Dearer than eye-sight'
tfc#67 Bing-bong!
tfc#66 Chinese Whispers
tfc#65 Jam Tomorrow
thefilthycomma #64
thefilthycomma #63
thefilthycomma #62
Brexit, pursued by a bear
thefilthycomma #60
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thefilthycomma #07
thefilthycomma #06
thefilthycomma #05
thefilthycomma #04
thefilthycomma #03
thefilthycomma #02
thefilthycomma #01
The Nail Girl #00
University Applications
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Choosing 2: Lists
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Maths Section - General
Maths section - General
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Lower School
Year Eight content
Arithmetic skills
Speedy multiplication
Factors, general
Factors 1
LCM & HCF together
Precision 1
Precision 2
Squares: theory
Squares ...5
The Next Square
Other Squares
Square Roots
Negatives and Subtraction
Standard Form 1
Standard form 2
Std Fm & d.p.1
Std Fm & d.p.2
Number Investigations
Numeracy Revision
More Revision
Son of More Revision
More Revision Rides Again
End of year A
End of year B
Fractions 1
Arithmetic with Fractions
Base Fundamentals
Base Addition
Base Multiplication
Units and Measures
Ratio and Proportion
Algebra Vocab
Brackets Ex (90)
Brackets Notes
Expansions 1
Expansion, Rev
Factorisation of Quadratics
Series expansions – the binomial theorem
Matrix principles
Set Theory 1
Set Theory 2
Algebra & Numeracy
Algebra & Numeracy 2
Pythagoras’ Theorem
GCSE: Bearings
GCSE: Bearings 2
Sketching Straight Lines
Pairs of straight Lines
Extension Work
Roman Numerals
Traveller’s Arithmetic
in whom we trust
Trams and Runners
Perfect Numbers
Find the Number
More Weird units
More Weird Units Ride Again
Long Decimal Reciprocals
Saving time and fuel
Natural Units
Going to Cambridge
Time zones, sunset, etc.
Tiling the Bathroom
Upper Middle School - athletics (Mech)
Reasonable Questions
End of term and fun
What is Two and Two?
Two and Two
Piles of Rice
Area = Perimeter
A Christmas Message - modelling for fun
Number Chains
Running and Walking
Horrible paint
Trespass of your social distancing bubble
Viruses are very small
Borderline Statistics
Further Pure at BSB
Advanced Differentiation
FPM 20130213 [1]
FPM 20120216 [2]
FPM 20120216 [3]
FPM 20130301 [4]
FPM 20130301 [5]
FPM 20130301 [6]
FPM Questions [7]
FPM Rates of Change [8]
Chinese New (Maths) Year
FPM Rates of Change 9
Sixth Form Pure
Sixth Form
Mathematical Modelling
Topics: Pure
Algebra Basics
Series at A-level
Series Expansions using the Binomial Theorem
More on Series, Series 3
Related Equations
Roots of Equations
Calculus - why?
Squares advanced
Integration 1
Integration 2
Integration 3
Reduction Formulae
Complex Numbers
x Graph Sketching (Sixth, rapidly)
Harder Sketching
Harder Sketching 2
Growing Up (Y13)
and Dying Away
Populations revisited
x Sixth Form Applied
Basic Stuff
x the Simple Stuff
General - Statistics
Series Expansions using the Binomial Theorem
Expectation & Variance
Binomial Hypothesis Testing
Series Expansions using the Binomial Theorem
Normal Distribution
the Exponential Distribution
t and Normal Distributions
Other distributions
Statistics Papers
Sports of Sorts
Primary School
S1 MEI The Lower School
Upper Middle School
Lower Sixth
Nov 2008 - retest
Nov 2008 Stats
Further Maths
Rotation and Inertia
Inertia 1 - rectangles
Inertia II - the ring and disk
Inertia III - rectangles & spheres
Inertia Questions
Differential Equations
FM Matrices
Dimensional Analysis 1
Dimensional Analysis 2
Groups, Rings and Fields
Vector Spaces !!!!!!
FM Revision
FM Revision 1 !!!!
x FM Revision 1 copy
FM Revision 2 - Statistics
FM Revision 3
x FM Revision 4 (Mixed) copy
FM Revision 4 !!! - Mixed
FM Revision 5
FM Mech Nov 2008
Revision papers
Syllabi, Revision Exercises
DJS C1.3 C1.4
Specific topics
P2 20021009 surds etc
P2 Surds & logs 20020924
P2 Expansions 20021121
C1 sample A
AS Revision 1
AS Revision 2
AS Revision 3
AS Revision 4
C4 20060302
C4 20060306
Practice Paper Nov 2008
Finance and Science
May you live in Interesting Times
Pensions and Proverbs
Present Value
that Sinking Feeling
Modelling in economics
Chemistry modelling
Population modelling
Coronavirus (Y10+)
Infectious disease - numbers
About Me
Family Tree
Family Tree: John 1789 onwards
Family Tree: Richard 1799 onwards
Family Tree: Robert 1820 onwards
Ho’s wedding
Email: © David Scoins 2020
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