This is for that group of students doing the (ridiculously hard) Edexcel iGCSE in Further Pure Maths. The course seems to encompass a lot of C1 and C2 while going at twice the speed, like maybe three hours a week. So FPM might be read as “Y11/12 Advanced Maths”, depending upon the way your school runs its curriculum.
Students of other courses are encouraged to include these pages in what they look at. Students of FM will find this useful for extension work, remembering that extension is either stuff on the course taken in a different direction, or stuff not on the course but not on the ‘next’ course.
I have repeated some of the links found at the CIE Maths index page, whose link is at the top of the page. Most of what you could want from here is indexed to the right.
For links to other sections, use the links at the TOP of the page, assuming they work.
For Further Applied, meaning Mechanics and Statistics, go to those sections. The simpler work here is found on the straight A-level, but again it will depend somewhat upon your chosen syllabus. Generally I’d say that MEI requires a better understanding of the application of language in modelling problems, while the CIE generally has harder maths but the language is easier and the questions more predictable.
Where a class produced written response so that the questions were worked, I have hidden answers or partial answers on the relevant page. I welcome discussion—write to me at with a page title in the header. I’d expect to publish record of your assistance.
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