Site Map | | DJS

Site Map



Within any page (except Essays) there are links to all the other pages on that sub-site. There is a link to the other headings shown among those on each page.

Added, 201604, is a linked list of nearby Essay pages.

This site (as represented on the RHS of this page) is basically defunct. It serves as backup.

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Every page in Essays should have  Next and Previous  buttons at the bottom.  The most recent ten are visible from the front page. To get to older stuff go to Archive or index (same as ‘by topic’).  use your Back button if you change your mind.

The ‘sort table’ list may prove helpful if you wish to follow a thread of ideas.

I have a copy of Essays at Blog_Site and another at Blog. This is a consequence of the crash after essay 193, May 2016. I was reluctant to overwrite the big pile of stuff already uploaded, even if I can’t upload it again.   So “Blog”  means and the capitals matter, though you can leave out the www these days.



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